To Our Valued Customers, Partners and Key Stakeholders:
At JML Optical, we are committed to ensuring that your optical product needs are met in the safest, most reliable manner and remains our highest priority. As the novel coronavirus COVID-19 begins to impact our communities and daily lives, we want to assure you that we are monitoring developments closely and are taking precautionary measures at our facility based on the latest State and Federal guidance to protect our employees and their families. Over the last several days we have increased routine cleaning of high-touch, hard surfaces and are thoroughly disinfecting our work areas morning and night as well as ensuring our employees are aware of and following best hygiene practices.
As we do this, we want to assure you that the products we ship from our manufacturing facility here in Rochester, NY, have been handled and packaged in a safe and clean environment. Our sales and engineering teams and manufacturing facilities are fully operational, and we remain committed to continue to support your delivery needs now, and in the weeks ahead. Thank you for being loyal JML customers.
We are committed to sharing important information to our customers and valued partners and stakeholders as this situation develops. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your local JML Optical representative or call our customer service team at 585.248.8900 or
Robert Bicksler
President & CEO, JML Optical Industries, LLC